Wednesday 19 October 2011


This looks like a good place to set up and pratice this particular Web 2.0 tool. I've had an idea floating around my head, for a wiki that would be useful to my workplace. I feel it would be a better way to communicate thoughout the the organisation, and the public. I'm sure libraries around the world and inthe Uk are already doing it, but the IT guy at work, when I mentioned the idea , Pooh Poohed it , the main reason seemd to be that we have to keep to set standards on line set by the council.
I understand that, but with the current economic climate, we need away to make our department more efficent and cost productive,(.esp considering we are not profiltmaking department).

So will try my idea out, in my on time, presumabley like this blog it can be private from the public, untill needed...
in the meantime here is the link to Wikispaces...

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About Me

I am a librarian, and scfi fantasy fan. I have worked in Public libraries for much of my career and recenlty obtained a MSc in Library and Information Studies from City University, London.